Weekly Wrap-Up: October 31-November 6

Yes, even though it’s now Friday, I’m still going to do a wrap up of the previous week. I need to rely on my notes for anything that happened before I left for New York, though.

I’ll save any comments about how I feel physically post-marathon for either the race report or next week’s wrap-up.

Weight Check: For my official weigh-in, I’m gonna go with Friday morning, pre-run, and that’s 159.9, unchanged from my last official weigh-in. I got down to 159.3 after my Friday run, so I’m going with that as my Race Weight.

I didn’t take good notes on my eating. I think I limited myself to one can of Mountain Dew each day I was in the office (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), not many snacks, and one beer on Wednesday night and Thursday night. So, not too bad.

This Week’s Runs
Day Scheduled Total Miles
Monday Easy 5 5.02
Tuesday 1.5 mile warm up, 3 x 1 mile at Marathon Pace (11:00/mile) with 1:30 recovery, 1.5 mile cool down 6.31
Thursday Easy 4 4.01
Friday Easy 3 3.11
Sunday 2016 New York City Marathon 26.2

Total: 44.65 miles

My notes for Monday just say nice weather (it was 55) and my legs felt OK, so I have no idea why I ended up with .02.

Tuesday was my last workout run for a while, but at least it wasn’t too complicated. The weather was crappy (63 and humid in November?!?), but I don’t think it affected me too much. My splits on the intervals were 10:46, 10:27, and 10:14, and my legs felt OK.

Thursday my legs felt fine. I had been doing my 4 mile runs on the treadmill, but for reasons that I don’t remember, I actually did this one outdoors. I made the comment that the weather was pretty close to what I’d see in New York City, and I was pretty close.

Friday was my last run, and as I expected, I had to make it a 5K. Not a great run, not great conditions (62 and humid), but I got through, and officially ended my training program.

Sunday was The Big One. 5:28:01. More details to come in my Race Report. Early next week, maybe? It’s not a PR, but I’m OK with it. I’m still going back to run it again and get a PR, though.

For whatever you want to call the week of November 7 (Normally I’d call it next week, but it’s now Friday, so…?), my plan was to rest until Thursday (which I did), then go out again on Saturday, and ideally end up with at least 10 miles so I can stay in double digits.

I’ll be back with another weekly wrap-up in, uh, 2 days.