Weekly Wrap-Up: October 30-November 5

I’m doing better than I expected. It still sucks, though.

I will eventually do a write-up of my run from Halloween, but I don’t know when. I’ll probably get the October Wrap-Up posted next week, since I have another weekly wrap-up coming on Sunday. And, oh yeah, I still have to do a Race Report for New York City, even if I didn’t finish. Maybe I’ll get it done in March.

Weight Check: 167.4 pounds, up 0.2 from the previous week. I did my official weigh-in Friday morning before my final 3.1 mile run. I did weigh myself after that run and got down to 166.9. It’s a blur now, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t cut back on the Mountain Dew like I should have. I guess my weight is one thing I can work on for next year.

This Week’s Runs
Day Scheduled Total Miles
Monday 5 miles easy 5.01
Tuesday 2 miles easy, 3 miles at marathon pace (10:50-11:10/mile), 1 mile easy 6.01
Wednesday 4 miles easy 4.01
Friday 3 miles easy 3.11
Sunday 2017 New York City Marathon 11.72 (DNF)

Total: 29.86 miles

On Monday, it was cold, 35 degrees, but I didn’t mind. My legs felt pretty decent. I started out a little fast due to the cold, but slowed down and ended up with a reasonable average pace on the first mile. I managed to increase my pace just a little bit on each mile, but I didn’t really increase the effort until the very end. I’ll take it.

Tuesday was a really great run that’s going to get a full write up at some point.

On Wednesday, the weather was still pretty nice, 46 degrees. I felt a very small amount of fatigue in a couple of random spots, but I think I only noticed it because I was paying close attention to how my legs were feeling. It wasn’t enough to slow me down, though. I kept the effort easy except for the last quarter mile, and got faster on each mile. Not a bad little run.

Friday was my last training run. The weather was nice, cool enough that I didn’t really notice the humidity. (I commented at the time that I wished I could take this weather with me to New York. That’s something I never thought I’d say.) My legs felt fine, nice and tapered. I added a little extra to make it a 5K. I kept the effort mostly easy, except for the very end when I sped up.

I’m going to have a full write up of Sunday, of course. It won’t be as happy as the write up for Tuesday’s run.

Yet another thing that sucks about my DNF: I’m at 1,1491.8 miles for 2017. So close to my goal of 1500 miles.

As I write this, I haven’t run at all since New York City. I’ll be talking to my coach this evening, and I hope she’ll give me the green light for a run this weekend. But more about that in my next weekly wrap-up.