June ended in Portland, which was great. Before that, though…
June 2018
Total Mileage: 116.34 miles
Average Pace: 12:02/mile
Number of Runs: 21
Last Month (May 2018): 104.81 miles
Last Year (June 2017): 130.11 miles (Finally, I feel like I’m within shouting distance of last year’s total.)
Races: None
Total Mileage for 2018: (as of June 30) 386.23 miles
The heat was insane while I was in North Carolina, then I got to Portland, and it was so much better.
Best Run: June 29, 3.1 miles, 10:53/mile
Fastest run of the month, and a really fun group run? Hell yeah that’s a Best Run of the month. I even got to talk to somebody during the run and got confirmation that, as fast as I was going compared to my usual pace, I was still able to carry on a conversation, which is one of the ways you can tell if you’re going at an easy pace. And it was in Portland, so I got to run along the Willamette River, which was just icing on the cake.
My only regret was that I got to an intersection where I had to stop right when I was at 3.1 miles, so I wasn’t able to do my usual 3.11 miles. If that’s my biggest complaint, I’m doing OK.
Worst Run: June 18, 6.01 miles, 13:16/mile
You know how Andy had to crawl through a river of sewage to escape in the Shawshank Redemption? That’s what the rest of June felt like. I have too many runs to choose from for the worst, but this one was the slowest, and seemed to frustrate me the most.
Well, hopefully recharging in Portland at the end of June will lead to a better July. It’s going to be hot, but I hope I can adjust and maybe even improve. I just have to remind myself that it won’t be like that on November 4 in New York City. (And if it is, I’m just going to take a nice leisurely stroll through the 5 boroughs.)