August was rough. This has been the worst summer, weather-wise, since I started running in 2011, and it’s not close. I survived.
August 2018
Total Mileage: 164.22 miles (A quarter of a freaking mile less than last year?!? Excuse me while I drop $1000 into my swear jar.)
Average Pace: 12:45/mile
Number of Runs: 22
Last Month (July 2018): 146.32 miles
Last Year (August 2017): 164.47 miles (*more grumbling*)
Races: None
Total Mileage for 2018: (as of August 31) 727.73 miles
Best Run: August 14, 7.01 miles, 11:37/mile
It was a tempo run, with one easy warm up mile and 6 moderate miles. Considering the conditions (71 and humid), I did pretty well.
Shout out to my August 18 run, a 16 miler which is one of the few long runs I’ve had recently where I didn’t want to go home and burn all of my running gear afterwards.
Worst Run: August 4, 10.01 miles, 14:04/mile
Yeah, the infamous flat tire run, where I couldn’t drive to the greenway because I had a flat tire, so I had to attempt a long run in my neighborhood, and it went…poorly. Also, it was supposed to be a 12 miler, and that would have put me ahead of last August’s mileage, dammit.
There’s not much else to say about August. I got in a bunch of miles (although not as many as last August *grumble again*) in spite of miserable weather. I hope September will have slightly less terrible weather, because the mileage is going to increase.