Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2018

September 2018 can go straight to Hell.

(No, really, tell us how you really feel, don’t hold back.)

September 2018
Total Mileage:
110.36 miles
Average Pace: 13:23/mile (Egads.)
Number of Runs: 16
Last Month (August 2018): 164.22 miles
Last Year (September 2017): 191.23 miles (Remember last month when I was complaining because August 2018 was a quarter of a freaking mile less than August 2017? Yeah, the gap is a little larger this month.)
Races: Ha!

Total Mileage for 2018: (as of September 30) 838.09 miles

Best Run: September 29, 16.01 miles, 13:32/mile

Whew. I’m still breathing a sigh of relief over this one. It was slow, but I made it through the full 16 miles, and that was freaking huge. So I sort of ended the month (September 30 was a scheduled rest day) on a positive note.

Shout out to my run on September 20, a 3.1 miler that was my first run back after my heart checked out OK, and the only run this month where I had a smile on my face. And yes, if that last long run of the month had gone south, this would have been my Best Run for September, which is not good.

Worst Run: All 14 other September runs September 22, 12.01 miles, 13:50/mile

There was a lot of competition for this one. This particular run, though, probably gutted me the most, and really had me questioning everything.

Not-so-fun Fact about September: It never got below 60 degrees here all month long. The last time that happened was in 1933. Because, you know, I wasn’t struggling enough with my running.

Well, it’s a new month, October, and my last full month before New York City. Here’s hoping last Saturday’s run was the start of something good.